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Water is a major danger in the case of leakage inside the walls and water leakage caused in many problems and disasters if we do not care about this big problem entered the house, Arkan Architecture 0555625153 The root solution to this problem and the treatment of the matter in a final and works the company mastery and unique and distinguished in addressing the problem of water leakage And global equipment and we use the global devices over the infrared to show inside the walls of water leakage and general repair of the problem without demolition or cracking, we work without sabotage and we have a high accuracy in access to the place causing the problem of water leakage and the main branch of our branch Riyadh and we have other branches in Saudi Arabia
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Detection of water leaks

Insulation surfaces

Cleaning cabinets

Sewage drains

Spray the pesticide

General cleaning

Transfer and relocation

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