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We know that Trezor keeps the funds offline so there should be a communication tool present that will help to establish communication between the web and Trezor Wallet. Thus, this is where the Trezor Bridge comes in, it works as that communication tool. And this is the only reason for introducing it. But, this reason is sufficient.

MetaMask also offers you to accomplish P2P swaps in a quite easy manner. Using this platform, you can swap the tokens with limit slippage in price and with lower costs without using any crypto exchange.If you are fine with storing your coins in a software-based online wallet, Metamask Wallet enables you to store your assets in a cold wallet by interlinking it with MetaMask. There are so many compatible hardware wallets available which are compatible with MetaMask to link with including Lattice, AirGap Vault, Keystone, Ledger, and Trezor.

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