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cocoa mold removalAfter fermentation, 52.18% of the cocoa mold removal bean total weightwas moisture. The sample showing the lowest moisture contentafter drying was the sample subjected to the oven drying process(6.90%). The next lowest moisture content was found in thesample subjected to the traditional drying method (7.76%),followed by the samples dried using the stainless steel dryerwith plastic roof, with UV protection (8.08%) and without UVprotection (8.03%).We may be able to explain these results owing to temperaturedifferences experienced by the cocoa beans from the differentdrying methods. Artificial drying in the oven produced thehighest temperature, followed by drying with direct sun light.Dryers with plastic roofs had the mildest temperatures. Weremonitored the temperatures with thermometer and the dryingthat depended on solar light varied quite the temperatures butnever exceeding 60 °C, temperature of the oven. All sampleswere considered acceptable for dry cocoa beans. Drying shouldbe carried out until cocoa beans reach 7 to 8% water content,which requires 2-10 days depending on the method used orclimatic conditions.Figure 1 shows the chromatogram of phenolic compoundsand standards, theobromine, (+) -caffeine, and (-) - respectively, and Figure 2 showsthe OTA A standard chromatogram.The chromatograms showed good resolution withoutthe presence of interference peaks. The retention times forthe in the samples were similar to the peaks for thestandard solution. The identification of the by analysis of retention time compared to the and spectra.

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